Frequently Asked Questions

Connecting talent with opportunities is one of the most significant problems in Malawi today. Explore our comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions and see how Mahasula is revolutionising the world of work.


  1. Click Join as a Hasula at the bottom (footer) of mahasula website.
  2. Upload your profile photo or image. 
  3. Enter your Full name and other details on the form. 
  4. Click to agree to our Terms And Conditions
  5. Click Submit. We will send a confirmation email with an activation link.
  6. Click the activation link to verify your Email address.
  7. Congratulations! You are now registered. 
  8. Mahasula Team will now contact you to pre-screen you - e.g. National ID etc

Mahasula works by connecting organisations and individuals with pre-screened Malawian talent across a wide variety of specialties, expertise and skillsets.


Users can easily browse and select their prefered services on the platform, while skilledtrades and freelance pros can showcase their talent and connect with prospective customers or clients.

Mahasula was founded in 2022. Mahasula was born from our experiences at Myjobo.com with job seekers who are frustrated with the few opportunities available in the formal labour sector in Malawi.


It took us several months to discuss the concept with diverse people to come up with the optimal national platform that revolutionalises the informal labour sector in the country. 

Mahasula is a cutting-edge platform that connects skilledtrades and talented freelance professionals, with organizations and individuals seeking their expertise.


We offer a user-friendly marketplace where skilled professionals can connect with flexible work opportunities; and organizations or individuals with tasks or projects can easily connect with reliable and trusted Malawian talent.


We provide a reputable, secure, and professional platform for local skilledtrades and freelancers to share their talents with everyone that needs their services.